Survey of Rotarian Polio Survivors

The number one question we are asked is “How many Rotarians are polio survivors?” We are asking each club across the world to let us know how many survivors are in their club. Please click here to fill out this quick form. We will tally the results and add a map to our site showing […]
The Life Skills Journey

A big post-polio conference being held in our country, just up the road in Sydney? You really want to go but … The event, organised by Polio Australia, was the 2016 Australasian-Pacific Post-Polio Conference with guest speakers, polio experts, coming from around the world. Chatting on Facebook, an American polio friend asked if I was […]
Polio Pioneer Helps Survivors Hold On To Strength : NPR

People come from around the world to see Dr. Lauro Halstead. He’s one of only a handful of doctors in the U.S. who specializes in polio, and he was one of the first to spread the word about post-polio syndrome, a condition that affects polio survivors. Halstead has special insight into the challenges of the […]
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the ADA
Here are some quick articles and links talking about the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), which celebrated its 25th anniversary on July 26, 2015. Introduction to the ADA The ADA Home Page provides access to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations for businesses and State and local governments, technical assistance materi… View on And […]
Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act
Link: Introduction to the ADA The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA is one of America’s most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to […]
From Rotary Voices
How polio changed my life Posted on February 7, 2013 by Rotary International (Permalink: Pulmão de Aço (Iron Lung), published this year in Brazil, tells the story of Eliana Zagui, a polio survivor who has lived for decades in a hospital in Brazil. By Eliana Zagui, author of Pulmão de Aço (Iron Lung) Before […]
Remembering Jack Campbell, a founding father of Rotary Polio Survivors Action Group
An “Escondido CA North County Times” headline on Thursday July 11 2012 read: Noted philanthropist Jack Campbell dead at 69 He will live in the hearts and minds of those privileged to know him as long as they, too, will live. We knew him as an early pillar of the Rotary Polio Survivors Action Group […]
Poem by Richard L. Daggett
Richard Lloyd Daggett; 1954; Rancho LosAmigos, Los Angeles , California These are my braces, They set me free But these are my braces, They are not me. Without my braces, I sit in my chair Without my braces, Life is not fair. But, put on my braces, And I’m just like the others. Put on my […]
Polio: The Irrversible Mistake
Ray Taylor has updated his PowerPoint presentation “Polio: The The Irreversible Mistake”. Click here to download the PowerPoint from our Downloads section. As part of the presentation, a new video has been produced. It has been uploaded to YouTube to help educate all regarding Polio and the Polio Survivors and Associates Rotary Action Group. You […]
Polio survivor is devoted to immunizing and educating
By Christina Macone-Greene SPECIAL TO THE UNION-TRIBUNE Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 12:02 a.m. ESCONDIDO— Jack Campbell didn’t celebrate his sixth birthday with a party like most kids do. Instead, polio confined him to an iron lung for a month at Los Angeles County Hospital. That was before Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in […]