Continuing Partnership – Wheels of Hope

The Polio Survivors Rotary Action Group has an ongoing partnership with Wheels of Hope. Wheels of Hope is a unique 501 (c) 3 international leadership project of the Rotary Club of Traverse City, Michigan, and a partnership agreement with The Naraguta Rotary Club located in Jos, Nigeria. This group is actively seeking contributions to give […]

Rotary clubs to host polio awareness dinner

What a great idea to start something like this in your community! He was the first of 27 in Midland to catch polio in the year 1948. Donald DeVore said he had spent the summer with his father in Lorenzo and a lot of time in swimming pools while there. That’s where he believes he […]

Fundraising Ideas

From Meghan McCarthy, Coordinator Rotary’s $200 Million Challenge- Consider these ideas for creative fundraisers that have proven successful for clubs and districts: