The number one question we are asked is “How many Rotarians are polio survivors?”
We are asking each club across the world to let us know how many survivors are in their club. Please click here to fill out this quick form. We will tally the results and add a map to our site showing the results.
Please encourage all survivors in your club to join The Polio Survivors & Associates Rotarian Action Group – click here to sign up. There is no cost to join.
We hope our Rotarian Action Group will be a place that polio survivors can be counted.
October 2019 – Facts about Polio Survivors & Associates Rotarian Action Group
Current mailing list/membership: 410
Countries represented: 44 (Top 6: United States, Canada, India, Australia, United Kingdom, Nigeria)
Rotary Districts represented by our members: 115 Districts in 26 zones
We also know this about our membership:
Other things we know about our group:
We would like to know if our members are also alumni of other Rotary programs such as Rotaract, Interact, Peace Fellows, VTT or GSE participants. If you have not updated your profile online lately, please do so when you get your next newsletter.
I am a Polio Survivor & suffer from PPS
Rotary District 6950
The Rotary Club of ST. Petersburg West