This paperback was published in 2004 and is a compendium of evidence-based findings of more than twenty observers-practitioners in the field of diagnosis and rehabilitation of polio survivors and offers the best state-of-the-art medical treatment known at the time of publication.  Dr. Silver is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.  At the time of the publication she was Director, International Rehabilitation Center for Polio in Framingham MA.  Since then she has concentrated on cancer survivor rehabilitation.   Anne Gawne was the Director of Post-Polio Clinic, Roosevelt Warm Springs GA and died during publication of the book.  This book is technical in content and intended for practitioners, but is readable and understandable by polio survivors.

As a former patient of both doctors, I highly recommend it for the serious student of postpolio syndrome.  (Ray Taylor, Founder, Rotary Postpolio Survivors Action Group)

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