The Polio Survivors Rotary Action Group is the living legacy of the Rotary Polio-Plus polio eradication program through humanitarian assistance to polio survivors of the world. This Action Group operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not controlled by Rotary.

PS – You do not need to be a polio survivor to be a part of our Rotary Action Group!

Search this site for information about polio and see what we are doing to help survivors worldwide. We are constantly working to update and improve this website so check back often for more information.

Download our Brochure

PS Officers and Directors

As approved at the Annual Meeting online 2022

Chair- Ann Lee Hussey, PDG (D7780) South Berwick ME, USA

Secretary – Gretchen Bren (D5650), Omaha Night, NE, USA

Treasurer – Patricia Meehan, PDG (D7280) Sharon, PA, USA

TRF Technical Officer – Wade Nomura, PDG, TRF Cadre, (D5240), Carpinteria Morning, CA, USA

Director 2023 – Jim Arnett (D5710) Leawood, KS USA

Director 2024 – Pamela Tubbs (D7600) Norfolk, VA USA

Director 2024 – John Nanni (D7630) Middletown, Delaware, USA

Director 2024 – Allen Collins (D6950) St Petersburg West, FL USA

Director 2025- John Vrolijk (D5370) YEG Passport Rotary Club, Canada

Director 2025 – Robert Stuart, PDG (D6460) Springfield, IL, USA

PS Officers and Directors

As approved at the Annual Meeting in Toronto, June 23, 2018

Executive Director- Ann Lee Hussey, PDG (D7780) South Berwick ME, USA

Chairman – Gretchen Bren (D5650), Omaha Night, NE, USA

Secretary – Al Bonney, PDG (D6290) Traverse City, MI, USA

Treasurer – Patricia Meehan, PDG (D7280) Sharon, PA, USA

Director – Robert Stuart, PDG (D6460) Springfield, IL, USA

Director – to be named

Director – Saliu Ahmed, PDG (D9125) Kaduna, Nigeria

Director – Dino Marzaro, (D7790) Quebec, Canada

Director – John Nanni , (D7630) Middletown, Delaware, USA

Director – to be named



By Laws

Our Vision

To support and promote projects of all sizes at the local club, district, and international level that will improve access to quality health services for people with disabilities; strengthen rehabilitation services and include access to assistive products.

Our Mission

To broaden and deepen Rotarians and Rotaractors awareness of disabilities resulting from polio and enable them to improve the lives of polio survivors.


PSA was founded in 2003 as a Rotarian Fellowship whose members were individuals and groups with a common interest in polio survivors; health issues such as postpolio syndrome; polio support groups; related organizations and institutions. In 2005, the Rotary International Board of Directors recognized the value of these Fellowships and their potential for assisting RI in implementing humanitarian programs throughout the world, and formed Rotary Action Groups. In 2020, we changed our name from Polio Survivors & Associates to just Polio Survivors Rotary Action Group.  

You do not have to be a polio survivor to join!


Revised June 2018


Our By-Laws


  1. The official designation (name) is Polio Survivors Rotary Action Group – official abbreviation is PS or PS RAG
  2. As a Rotary Action Group (RAG) we operate in accordance with Rotary International policy, but we are not controlled by Rotary.
  3. Membership in PS is open to all Rotarians, Spouses and Rotaract members. Associate members are those not included above.
  4. Administration of PS shall be the responsibility of:
    1. Executive Director
    2. Chairman
    3. Secretary or Treasurer
  5.  Executive Director is the spokesperson for PS and a Member-at-Large of Rotary Network of Fellowships and Action Groups.
  6. Chairman coordinates work of PS programs and projects with PS Board, Administrative positions, and Associated individuals and organizations, and is responsible for submission of required information to Rotary International.
  7. Executive Secretary is responsible for response and disposition to all inquiries. Assists Chairman and Executive Director in conduct of their duties and is the keeper of records, archives, etc.
  8. Board of Directors: Responsible for assisting Administrators in determining policies, projects and personnel. They are expected to furnish creative ideas and to assist in finding Associates to further our Mission.
  9. Terms of Office: Chairman is designated every year and may serve three consecutive terms.  The Executive Secretary serves at the pleasure of the Chairman.
  10. Dues are $25 USD per year.